Solutions to Ion Configurations Exercises

Solutions/Answers to Exercises

Exercise 1. Write electron configurations for the following ions.

a) Sr+2
b) Br
c) Al+3
d) P3-

Exercise 2. Write an electron configuration for the following ions:

a) Zr2+
b) Sn4+
c) Cr6+

Exercise 3. Write an electron configuration for an ion formed from Se.
This would be Se2- and the electron configuration is [Kr]

Exercise 4. Write electron configurations for Cu, Cu+, Cu2-.

Cu: [Ar]4s13d10
Cu+1: [Ar]3d10
Cu2+: [Ar]3d9

Exercise 5. Which +2 ion has the electron configuration 1s22s22p6?


Exercise 6. An ion has a +2 charge and an electron configuration [Ar]3d10. What is the identity of the ion?

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